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Join date: May 9, 2018


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My name is Doug Hoag. Bar Nuthin is a nickname I used during my online poker days.

I formed Bar Nuthin Enterprises, LLC while I was self employed for awhile and doing design work for PokerStars. Online poker in the U.S. dried up, but my passion for computers hasn't wavered.

I am a self taught website designer as well as a Microsoft Access database developer. I do development projects as a sideline to my regular job as "Chemical Manager" for a large General Motors Assembly Plant.

I won't promise you results on projects if I'm not confident I can deliver. But if your project is in my "wheelhouse" you'll be delighted with the results. If I don't think I can help, I will tell you so and not waste your time.

If it ain’t broke, fix it ’til it is!

Bar Nuthin

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